Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Protein Synthesis Lab

 Information flows from DNA, to RNA, to proteins. The RNA serves as a temporary copy(blueprint) of a gene, then delivers the copy to the ribosomes. The ribosome uses this (copy) RNA to make proteins. The RNA Polymerase then reads and copies the DNA code for a protein as an RNA copy. The DNA unzips then the RNA polymerase matches spare nucleotides to make the RNA strand. Next, the messenger RNA is produced and leaves the nucleus for the cytoplasm. The mRNA arrives at the ribosome, where it is read 3 bases at a time and translated DNA language into protein (amino acid) language.

Image result for protein


The most effective mutation was deletion. By deleting the T, all of the codons following that deletion got scrambled up, causing the protein to end early. Substitution was the least effective type of mutation because it did not change the strand. The mutation is most effective if it is near the beginning of the strand.
Image result for protein

I chose deletion because it is the most effective mutation. This mutation caused the strand to end after 4 codons, while the insertion and substitution strands were much longer. It matters where the mutation occurs because the location of the mutation in the strand determines the sequence of codons and the length of the strand.

Image result for deletion mutation


A mutation called Central Heterochromia causes affected people to have two different colors in his or her irises. If I had this mutation, it  would affect how people treat me in everyday life. I probably wouldn’t be able to go a day without someone commenting on the abnormality of my eye color.

Image result for central heterochromia


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