Friday, May 12, 2017

Unit 9 Reflection

Unit 9 taught me about taxonomic rank and the different levels and groups belonging to each. The order goes Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, then Species. One species I learned about was the sponge. The sponge belongs to the Phylum Porifera because sponges have specialized cells but no tissues. Every organism can be classified into a Phylum for a specific characteristic it has; yet the protist group is miscellaneous.
Next I learned about Anthropods, a type of invertebrate which has an exoskeleton made of chitin,  with joining appendages and segmented body parts. Anthropods are classified into five groups: Trilobites, Crustaceans, Chelicerates, Insects, and  Myriapods. Trilobites are extinct bottom feeders. Crustaceans live in oceans, streams, and on land. Chelicerates have specialized dagger-like mouthparts(Scorpions). Insects have 6 legs and usually live on land. Myriapods have long bodies with many pairs of legs (Milipedes).

I want to learn more about sand dollars because I don't completely understand how they function. Sand dollars have always interested me and I used to collect them. I wonder who thought of the idea to base kitchen sponges off of the actual sponge creatures living in the sea. 

My What on Earth Evolved Presentation was done about Roses. I truly enjoy public speaking so I liked getting a chance to share and teach the class about my topic. My presentation went well I'd say, I could have gone more in depth about the anatomy of the flower to make my presentation longer.
Sophie Z
I am very happy with how the presentation went well because I spent a lot of time researching. It is actually very difficult to find information about the origins of roses and how they evolved. During this presentation, I started connecting the rose to modern day movies to explain and show the relationship of how people view these flowers. I am going to try to make more connections in my presentations in the future.

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